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Fiberglass Cloth Made in China

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Thin fiberglass cloth is made of high strength E glass and C glass fiberglass yarn. It is divided into plain weave, twill weave or stain weave.It has good insulation, heat resistance, good corrosion resistance and tensile strength. It can be compatible with polyester, epoxy and vinyles ter resins, and is widely used in mica tape,fiberglass tape,aircraft industry, ship industry, chemical industry, military industry and sports goods,FRP products, resin board manufacturing.
Product Features
1.High intensity and quick wet out
2.Perfect designable character
3.Anti-corrosion and electric insulation
Renqiu boda fiberglass products co., LTD. Has strong technical force, has close contact with many domestic scientific research institutions, employs several experts as the company's technical advisers.Products with quality, service, occupy the market, with a full range of services to win the majority of users recognition;After years of unremitting efforts, the company's product sales network throughout the country, the company's production of external wall mesh cloth and other products have been exported to more than 20 provinces, municipalities, autonomous regions.
Fiberglass Cloth Made in China
Ae29vib (100 ポイント) 2021 3/10 質問 会計士について


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